Arts & Music
Arts & Music at St. Augustine School
The arts are an important part of the St. Augustine Catholic School. In addition to weekly music and art classes, students can participate in a band, choir, and art club. Additionally, fifth through eighth grade students can participate in Broadway Kids.
School Band
Students Students in grades four through eight may enroll in the Instrumental Music Program led by Mrs. Susan Day. Lessons are held during school hours, once a week for one half hour. Band lesson times rotate so that students have their band lesson at a different time each week. It is the responsibility of each student to contact the teacher of his or her academic subject(s) for any missed work. Band practice is held before school once a week for students in advanced band. The school partners with the Instrumental Music Program to offer a Band Program.

Mass Choir
Those who sing, pray twice!
Students participate and sing liturgical music for weekly Mass as well as prepare music for concerts at Christmas and in the Spring.
Broadway Kids
Students audition for roles in a production that is presented to both the student body and the school community. They rehearse after school hours, and are involved in acting, choreography, videography, technical sound design, set design, and backstage support.