Uniforms can be purchased from Flynn & O’Hara. Flynn and O’Hara donates a percentage of money from SAS uniform sales back to the school. Information regarding ordering and a scheduled fitting will be sent home at appropriate times. Orders may also be placed over the phone (800-441-4122) or online at www.flynnohara.com, via personal credit card; all orders are shipped directly to your home.
Uniform Policy 2022-23
We encourage our students to take pride in their St. Augustine Catholic School uniform. Our dress code fosters the goals of Catholic education by promoting concepts of equality and community in young people. Therefore, proper school attire and grooming are considered an important element in creating an atmosphere in which educational objectives are met. Parents will be notified when students fail to comply with the school uniform policy and consequences may include, but are not limited to, detention and/or loss of “dress differently” privileges. Our uniform can be purchased at Flynn O’Hara Uniforms.
The school administration has the final decision as to what is or is not a violation of the dress code.
The School recognizes that particular hairstyles are often part of racial, ethnic, spiritual, and cultural identity and practice. Accordingly, it is the policy of the School to permit individual families to decide the appropriate cared–for hairstyle for their children. ADM 8.0
Uniform Schedule
Fall/Spring uniform begins the first day of school and ends October 31st.
Winter uniform is worn from November 1st through March 31st
Fall/Spring uniform can be worn again April 3rd until the end of the school year
*During very cold weather, girls may wear their uniform sweatpants under their jumper or skirt to and from school.
Uniforms can be purchased from Flynn & O’Hara. Flynn and O’Hara donates a percentage of money from SAS uniform sales back to the school. Information regarding ordering and a scheduled fitting will be sent home at appropriate times. Orders may also be placed over the phone (800-441-4122) or online at www.flynnohara.com, via personal credit card; all orders are shipped directly to your home.
On occasion, there may be out-of-uniforms days scheduled. Clothing may not contain terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, slogans, writing, or images that are offensive, political, harassing, or discriminatory in nature.
Unacceptable clothing items include but may not be limited to:
Tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, or spaghetti strap shirts
Shirts that are so short that abdomen or back skin will show when the student either reaches up or bends over
Pants/shorts that do not come up to the waistline
Shorts that are unacceptably short in length so that they cover too little of the thigh
Items of clothing with inappropriate language or graphics
Flip-flop shoes and dangling earrings (due to safety concerns)
Parents/guardians of students inappropriately dressed may be called and asked to bring the child’s uniform. Students inappropriately dressed will not be allowed to participate in any special activity taking place that day and may receive disciplinary consequences.
Failure to conform to any uniform/personal appearance standards may result in detention and/or suspension. The Administration shall be the sole judge of the criteria for personal appearance.
Shirts must be properly buttoned and tucked in at all times.
When shorts, jumpers, skorts or skirts are worn, they must be 2 inches below the fingertips of the student when their arms are extended downward against their sides.
No makeup and neutral-colored nail polish only; no fake or acrylic nails
Religious medals only may be worn inside shirts. Non-beeping watches are allowed. SMART watches are not permitted (e.g. Apple watch). Girls with pierced ears may wear one small stud earring in each ear. Headbands or scrunchies must be solid navy, yellow, black, white or uniform plaid. No other jewelry, including bracelets and rings, is permitted.
Navy skort purchased from Flynn & O’Hara.
Uniform short-sleeved shirt “St. Augustine School” white polo purchased from Flynn & O’Hara.
White “crew-style” socks purchased from Flynn & O’Hara (no logos)
Black, tan, or navy non-athletic shoes with ties are permitted
Grades 1-5 wear plaid jumpers or navy slacks.
Grades 1-5 may wear the navy “St. Augustine School” cardigan sweater over white oxford or white polo purchased through Flynn & O’Hara.
Grades 6-8 Skirt or Khaki pants with White Oxford with Navy Blazer from Flynn & O’Hara.
Navy blue knee socks or tights worn with skirt or navy or white crew socks (no logos) which cover the ankle worn with Khaki Pants.
Black, tan, or navy non-athletic shoes with ties are permitted.
Shirts must be tucked in neatly at all times.
Religious medals only may be worn inside shirts. Non-beeping watches are allowed. SMART watches are not permitted (e.g. Apple watch). No other jewelry, including earrings, bracelets, rings, is permitted.
Navy twill knee length walk shorts or navy twill dress pants.
Grades 1-8 white knit uniform short-sleeved polo shirt “St. Augustine School” purchased through Flynn & O’Hara.
Black or brown leather/vinyl belt.
White crew socks purchased from Flynn & O’Hara.(no logos)
Black, tan, or navy non-athletic shoes with ties are permitted.
Grades 1-5 may wear the navy “St. Augustine School” cardigan sweater over white oxford or polo with navy slacks purchased through Flynn & O’Hara.
Grades 6-8 Khaki pants with White Oxford with Navy Blazer from Flynn & O’Hara.
St. Augustine Catholic School Tie purchased from Flynn & O’Hara
Navy or white crew socks which cover the ankle. (no logos)
Black, tan, or navy non-athletic shoes with ties are permitted.
PRE-K3 THROUGH KINDERGARTEN: The Pre-K3, Pre-K4 and Kindergarten students wear the PE uniform daily. Boys and girls wear the school navy mesh shorts and school logo gray with neutral colored athletic shoes with matching laces or Velcro (preferred for PK3 and PK4) and white crew socks (no logos). On cold days plain navy blue sweat pants and a sweatshirt can be worn. Students must wear athletic shoes.
PE UNIFORM: Students are expected to participate in physical education classes when scheduled. If for some medical reason a student cannot participate, the parent/guardian must send a written doctor’s note to the teacher citing the reason for not participating in class.
Navy mesh shorts (plain or with school logo).
Gray (with school logo)
Neutral colored athletic shoes with matching laces.
Plain white athletic crew socks from Flynn & O’Hara (no logos)
Navy blue sweat suits (plain or with school logo).
Gray (with school logo)
Neutral colored athletic shoes with matching laces
Plain white athletic crew socks from Flynn & O’Hara (no logos)
Absolutely NO sneakers with wheels or lights are permitted.
Lost and Found
The school is not responsible for personal articles. Articles found in the building or on the playground are held in the office for about one week. Unclaimed articles are donated or disposed of. All personal items and clothing should be marked with the student’s name so they may be returned to the owner if found.