Teacher Websites

Teacher Websites

Mrs. Filar PreK 3
Mrs. Hanna PreK 4
Mrs. Weatherholtz Kindergarten
Mrs. Brunt First
Ms. Mackay Second
Mrs. Fucci Third
Mrs. Drury Fourth
Mrs. Arvin Fifth
Mr. Miller Sixth, Middle School Science and Math
Mrs. Murphy Seventh, Middle School Social Studies and Religion
Mrs. Galan Eight Homeroom, Grade K-5 Media, Grade 5, 7 & 8 Literature, Grade 6 ELA
Mrs. Mirabito Eight Homeroom, Grade 7 & 8 ELA
Mrs. Kaplan Middle School Math
Middle School
Mrs. Rajan Computer
Mrs. Michel Reading Resource
Sra. Carmen Waga Spanish
Mr. Josh Ross Athletic Association President
Welcome to St. Augustine School in Elkridge, MD
St. Augustine Catholic School follows Howard County Public Schools for weather related closings and delays.