Home and School Association

Home and School Association

Welcome to HSA!

All families at St. Augustine Catholic School are members of the HSA, and we hope to meet many of you in the coming year. There are many ways to become involved through volunteering and attending general meetings. Please be sure to contact us with questions or ideas you may have for building our community.

Lisa Green and Crissy Baran, HSA Co-Presidents 2021-2022

The Purpose of the Home and School Association is to:

●               help parents, School administration and faculty develop a mutual understanding and appreciation of the mission of Catholic Education,

●               provide a formal avenue for parents/caregivers of current students to participate with the faculty and administration in their children’s education

●               develop supportive systems for communication and service to the school and school community

●               work with the school administration, faculty, and staff to provide programs and processes that engage the School families in spiritual, educational, outreach, social, legislative, public relations, service, and fundraising activities that further the mission of the School
●               collaborate with the pastor and our parish (CCASTA), other parishes, civic, and school organizations

●               discern through prayer and support the contemporary vision of the Church for Catholic education, and

●               collaborate with the Principal of the School.

Executive Committee:

Co-Presidents: Lisa Green and Crissy Baran

Vice President: Joy Emery

Secretary: Courtney Gaino

Treasurer: Brandi Orcutt-Velez

Committee Members:

Victoria Comasco, Casey Taylor, Kurt Roper

To contact Mrs. Kuchinsky or Mrs. Seurkamp, HSA Co-Presidents: Call 410-796-3040 or contact the HSA at HSA@staug-md.org.

HSA Meetings General Meetings 2022-23 TBA Here


HSA Dues:

All SAS families are expected to enroll and participate in the HSA. Annual dues are $25 per family and are included in the family registration fee. Dues cover the cost of multiple assemblies throughout the school year which benefit all of our children.

Upcoming Events & News TBA

        Follow us on Facebook: @HomeandSchoolAssociationSAS

Welcome to St. Augustine School in Elkridge, MD