FACTS Tuition Payment

All families are required to enroll in the FACTS Tuition Management System. (SAS Family Registration, Tuition and Fees Policy)

Through the FACTS Tuition Management System, families will be able to choose:

  • Plan I: Make one single tuition payment
  • Plan II: Arrange for quarterly payments
  • Plan III: Arrange for 12 monthly payments

Grant and Aid

Tuition assistance is a need-based analysis of the cost of education vs. a family’s ability to pay and these awards do not need to be repaid. To objectively assess what a family is able to contribute to its student(s) education expenses, an independent third party (FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment) is used. The money awarded will be distributed under the following priorities:

  1. Current recipients of Financial Aid; and
  2. Financial need of a family

How do I apply for grant and aid?

First, financial aid is available to registered parishioners of any Catholic church in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. A financial grant may apply to each student, so a family with several children in the school or in various Catholic schools in the Archdiocese could receive a grant for each child. This financial aid is available for need-based families and the money for tuition assistance comes from your fellow parishioners. Need is determined through an online FACTS application at online.factsmgt.com. Please contact your pastor for more information on how to apply for financial aid.

Additionally, tuition assistance is awarded by the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Archdiocesan tuition assistance generally comes from two funding sources: the Partners in Excellence Program and the Archdiocese of Baltimore School Fund. The Archdiocese is also contracted with FACTS so each family need only apply for grant and aid once. All applications will be reviewed by the Archdiocese to determine which families may also qualify for Archdiocesan aid. Grants awarded by the Archdiocese are renewed annually for the child’s entire K-12 Catholic education as long as the family is still eligible. Completed applications must be received no later than February 28th annually. All tuition assistance awards are contingent upon a completed FACTS application with all required documentation submitted prior to the first day of school.

Families that would like to be considered for CCASTA parish assistance should complete their FACTS grant and aid application, and then submit a letter of request on or before January 31st annually to the parish office. Any questions regarding this should be directed to the Director of Pastorate Operations, Mrs. Margretta Fair margretta.fair@archbalt.org  

The Admissions Director would be happy to answer any questions or help guide a family through the grant and aid application process. Contact the school office at (410) 796-3040 or email Jennifer Ross jross@staug-md.org for more information.

Welcome to St. Augustine School in Elkridge, MD
St. Augustine Catholic School follows Howard County Public Schools for weather related closings and delays.