Race for Education

Race for Education

St. Augustine Catholic School’s Race for Education was a HUGE Success-Thank You!

Given the generosity of our school community, we raised $50,000 for the 2023-24 Race for Education that benefitted the students, teachers, and the school.

A Letter from Mrs. Emery, our Advancement Director 

Dear St. Augustine School families,

We are so excited to kick off our 21st Annual Race for Education fundraiser. This is a 6 week fun-filled event encouraging everyone to come together as a community and help raise money for our special school. All proceeds directly benefit our students and teachers. Please check out our SAS commercial on our fundraising page to learn more about our why! Thank you for your partnership and willingness to help support our wonderful school family.

Click “Become a Fundraiser” to set up your family’s fundraising page. If you want to use your family name, please put your last name as your first name, and put the word “family” as your last name. 

Our TOP Fundraiser will win Principal for the Day! We will have several schoolwide prizes when we hit certain goals. If we hit our school goal of $50,000, the school will receive a recess and field facelift. This includes new soccer goals, basketball hoops and recess equipment! If every family reaches their $300 goal, we will get there! 

Each student will come home today with a checklist outlining their weekly goals and incentive prizes. Their first goal is to set up their family fundraising page by Friday, September 20th. Every student who sets up a page by this Friday will have a free dress down day on Monday, September 23rd.. After 6 fun weeks, we will celebrate our fundraising efforts with a Color Run & Festival for the students on Friday, October 25, 2024. Let the games begin….


Joy Emery

Advancement Director

St. Augustine Catholic School follows Howard County Public Schools for weather related closings and delays.