National Junior Honor Society
St. Augustine is proud to host a NJHS Charter. Selection to the St. Augustine National Junior Honor Society is a privilege, not a right. Students do not apply for membership in the St. Augustine Catholic School National Honor Society; instead, they provide information to be used by the Faculty Council to support their candidacy for membership. Membership is granted only to those students who meet selection criteria. Along with academic performance, the selection process emphasizes character, leadership, citizenship and service.
For more information, please review the St. Augustine Catholic School NJHS Handbook.
St. John Neumann Resource Program
For Students who Need A Helping Hand or Academic Enrichment Across the Curriculum
St. Augustine School believes that parents who desire a Catholic education for all of their children should have that option. We recognize that there are students that require support and expertise beyond what a classroom teacher can give. Thus, we have developed a program to enable families with children who need additional academic support to be a part of our school community.
Student Advocacy Team (SAT)
The Student Advocacy Team is a group of educators and administrators that meet to discuss students who seem to be having academic difficulty in school. The child’s teacher presents the concerns to the team and a course of action is determined. This course of action is then discussed with the parent. It is one more way that home and school collaborates together in the best interest of the students.
How is a student referred to the team?
Students are referred to the team by their teacher. By the time a student is referred, the teacher has communicated with the parents of the student and tried a variety of intervention strategies in the classroom. Sometimes, the referral comes after a parent brings concerns to a teacher’s attention or shares testing with the teacher.
What steps should I take if I have academic concerns about my student?
Anytime you have a concern about your student, you should share that concern with the student’s teacher. If the student is having difficulty in a specific subject, contact the subject area teachers. If the problem seems more general, contact the homeroom teacher.
What about confidentiality?
This process is completely confidential. The feedback from the committee is only shared with staff members that have a need to know. Parents are always included in this communication.
Positive Behavior Instruction and Support (PBIS)
The St. Augustine Catholic School Positive Behavior Instruction and Support (PBIS) Team has developed a schoolwide program to support positive behavior. We foster and promote a faith-based and joyful learning environment for our students. It is our goal to assist each child in reaching their greatest potential and showcasing their God-given talents.
We encourage our students to be SAS Angels!
An SAS Angel
Shows Kindness
Always Faithful
Spreads Joy
Explore St. Augustine School By Grade Level



Elementary School