Vision & Mission

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Our Vision & Mission 

Vision of St. Augustine School

St. Augustine School is a community of learners that work and grow together to serve one another and the local and global communities. We grow in knowledge of God and realization that we are all gifted and have a unique purpose in serving the One who created us. We encourage one another and strive to develop the human potential of all of our members.

Our foundation on Christ and the belief in the giftedness of all makes us a profoundly positive, respectful and happy place. In educating the whole person, learning is active, dynamic and meaningful.

Our teachers are life-long learners and share their passion for learning and their faith with one another and with the students. We recognize that our students are 21st Century learners who will need communication, collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking skills to shape a world that is changing more rapidly than we can plan for.

Mission of St. Augustine School

Saint Augustine Catholic School exists to provide students an opportunity to encounter Christ in a faith-filled school and engage in an academically excellent learning environment, while empowering every child to become a servant leader. 

Come and experience the St. Augustine Catholic School difference, all are welcome!

“Encounter”, “Engage” and “Empower”

St. Augustine Catholic School follows Howard County Public Schools for weather related closings and delays.